What Is Skytyping?
Imagine our 5 skytyping aircraft flying in a straight-line formation at 10,000 feet altitude. On command, we activate our on-board patented computer/software system and a signal is sent to each aircraft to emit a “puff”. The “puffs” create characters which in turn create your Sky Billboard™ message. Sky Billboards™ resemble dot matrix printing. The average time to skytype a character, “The size of the Empire State Building”, is only four seconds! The hang time for a 5 mile long (20-25 character) Sky Billboard™ is three to seven minutes.
How Skytyping Works

That’s a lot longer than a fifteen second TV commercial…or the average sign on the road read at 55 mph in 7 seconds! Skytyping is literally 1,000 times larger than any road side or aerial billboard, and it is custom placed over your specific demographic area or desired event that will give you maximum awareness. You are guaranteed millions of mobile captive audiences at the beaches, parks, sporting events, amusement areas, freeways, etc. Skytyping delivers a lower cost per thousand than any other medium.
1. What are Sky Billboards™?
Sky Billboards™ are the messages that our clients want communicated to their target audience on the ground.
There is no maximum copy length; however, we do recommend 20 characters or less. Copy may vary as often as the number of Sky Billboards™ in your flight. We can even add/change copy on the fly.
Sky Billboards™ can be displayed in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and some dialects of Japanese and Chinese.
Sky Billboards™ are purchased in groups from 50 to as many as 500 boards. These boards are typically used over a one year period or less.
A typical client flight consists of a minimum of ten (10) Sky Billboards™ and is targeted where we know there are captive outdoor audiences. However, our clients may request specific venues, events, or geographical locations. The key to a successful Sky Billboard™ campaign is having your boards created during optimal weather conditions – BLUE SKIES.
2. What should I say in the sky?
Your message may be as simple as your website address, or text advertising (keyword plus short code), or brand tag-line, or just your brand name. It’s up to our clients what the messages will say.
3. Sky Billboards™ create:
High Impact, Brand Awareness, Buzz Marketing, Low CPM, High ROI, Call To Action, and are the Largest Form of Written Communication In The World!
4. Sky Billboard™ visibility:
A single Sky Billboard™ can be seen up to fifteen (15) miles away! Each board is visible for approximately 193 square miles. A twenty (20) character Sky Billboard stretches five (5) miles across the sky and occupies 33 MILLION square feet of space!
5. Sky Billboard altitude:
We create your Sky Billboards™ at 10,000 feet altitude or higher. This accounts for the incredible visibility of each board.
6. Production costs:
7. Federal Aviation Administration:
Each and every skytyping flight is done in accordance with all FAA rules and regulations. Due to the size of our Sky Billboards™ and altitude at which they are created, we encounter very few FAA restrictions regardless of venue or event location.
8. Collateral media interest:
Other media find skytyping fascinating and newsworthy. Often times your Sky Billboards™ are publicized by other media resulting in free publicity for your brand.
9. International skytyping:
Yes! Skytypers has already taken this patented medium to Japan (twice), France, and South Africa. Contact your Skytypers’ representative for a quotation in any international market.
10. Proof of work:
Photos and/or an Excel spreadsheet showing your Sky Billboards™ by location, date, time, and copy.
11. Let’s be clear. Skytyping is NOT…
Banner towing or Skywriting